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来源:戴德梁行  整理 深圳房掌柜  2010-08-31 02:50:30




  Mainland China

  1. Profit of China's industrial companies continued to grow at a slower pace as the country's manufacturing sector and the overall economy extended their moderation. Net income of Chinese industrial companies rose 61.1% from a year earlier in the 1st 7 months to RMB1.87 trillion, the National Bureau of Statistics said. The expansion weakened from the 71.8% growth in the 1st 6 months of the year and 83% through May. (Shanghai Daily).

  2. The supply of new homes in Shanghai hit its highest in 3 months at the weekend (28-29 September) as real estate developers gear up to boost sales, betting on recovering market sentiment in September and October -- a high season for home purchases in China. A total of 1,950 new homes in at least 8 apartment projects, most of which are located beyond the city's Outer Ring Road, were released -- the largest weekend supply since June, according to leading real estate information portal Soufun.com. In contrast, the previous weekend saw only 444 apartment units launched, Soufun statistics showed. Among the latest launches during the weekend, CapitaLand, a Singapore-based developer known for its Raffles brand malls, will have units at 2 of its residential projects for sale -- The Pinnacle in Pudong New Area and The Metropolis in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province -- injecting a total of more than 400 units into the market. Located at the intersection of Yanggao Road S. and Gaoke Road W., The Pinnacle, whose units are priced between RMB27,000 and RMB33,000/sq m, is the only project introduced within the city's Middle Ring Road. "The market has corrected steeply as the government's determination to cool the country's overheated housing market remains unchanged," said Lu Yiping, an analyst with Soufun. "Developers, particularly with projects in outlying areas of the city, seemed most aggressive in launching their developments because demand from end-users for mid- to low-class houses remained pretty strong despite an overall sluggish buying momentum since mid-April." 9 of the 10 best-selling residential projects by area in Shanghai in the week ended 22 August were sold at below RMB20,000/sq m on average, according to China Real Estate Information Corp. (Shanghai Daily).




  1. 1光明大街地铁旁,维他奶片区更新规划公示!建面超11万平
  2. 2中海深湾玖序|未来城市的理想生境,2024年媒体品鉴会圆满落幕
  3. 3龙岗留用13宗地,涉面34.6公顷!多旧改规划公示,园山增超大项目
  4. 4深圳一二手楼市表现分化:有中介门店二手房成交上涨140% 新房却去化难?
  5. 5“买房送户口”时代回归 近20城购房即可申请落户
  6. 6房掌柜播报:6.17一手住宅成交97套,成交面积9405.95平方米
  7. 7深圳多个住宅盘将入市!深湾超总豪宅首推293套住宅,千万验资
  8. 85月深圳50片区成交量上涨 最高成交量上涨200%
  9. 9龙华中心成交量飙升!5月,哪些片区成交领跑深圳?
  10. 10政府收购商品房,临深这个城市出手去库存!6月挂盘价又跌了


  1. 1深圳楼市周网签625套,整体均价约6万/㎡微涨!
  2. 25月深圳50片区成交量上涨 最高成交量上涨200%
  3. 3光明大街地铁旁,维他奶片区更新规划公示!建面超11万平
  4. 4龙华中心成交量飙升!5月,哪些片区成交领跑深圳?
  5. 5深圳多个住宅盘将入市!深湾超总豪宅首推293套住宅,千万验资
  6. 6龙岗留用13宗地,涉面34.6公顷!多旧改规划公示,园山增超大项目
  7. 7深圳一二手楼市表现分化:有中介门店二手房成交上涨140% 新房却去化难?
  8. 8“三小时内开除全体员工”“房子都没人卖了”!深圳一老牌房企被曝全员解散,员工上门维权却已无人对接
  9. 9官方回复:龙华城市地标 北站超核绿芯项目未停工!
  10. 10龙岗连片开发最大用地!三棵松土整项目,拆除工程二期招标

