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来源:戴德梁行  整理 深圳房掌柜  2010-10-08 04:00:12


  4.新世界发展表示,郑锦超与郑志谦持有的公司,拥有兴益40%权益,至于新世界主要股东周大福企业的联系人及新世界发展的联系人,则分别持有兴益40%和20%权益。集团指出,项目涉及的用地属内地段第5044号H段第一分段和余段、I段及P段等多个地段,涉及的地盘面积约七万二千方呎,可建楼面约五十七万六千呎,目前该址正进行拆卸工程。项目属于北角继擗W、下里一带,包括本年2月以7.09亿元循强制拍卖途径统一业权的继园楼B及C座项目。根据发展商早前获批的方案,项目预计可建约三幢住宅物业,提供约七百伙。 (信报)


  Mainland China

  1. Shanghai has pressed harder on the brakes, hoping to slow fast-rising real estate prices with a set of new policies to curb property speculation. Most notably, the city joined Beijing in capping the number of homes a family can purchase, a policy that's been in effect in the capital city since 1 May. According to a government circular, a family is entitled to buy only 1 home in the city "for a certain period of time." The policy applies to both new and existing houses, the circular said. "The new measures indicate once again the city's firm stance to rein in housing speculation as the market started to rebound recently due to deteriorating effect from the previous policies," said Ma Ji, a research manager with Shanghai Centaline Property Consultants Ltd, operator of the city's largest real estate chain. The city has limited mortgages for 1st time home buyers at RMB600,000, and for 2nd home mortgages to RMB400,000. "The '1 home' purchase restriction, in particular, will likely affect the market in terms of both volume and price and hopefully, we will see a cooled-down market in the 4th quarter," Ma said. Meanwhile, to increase the supply of mid and low-end homes, the city will now allow owners of houses who had to move because of urban redevelopment to sell their new apartments 3 years after receiving the ownership certificates, instead of 5 years. In addition, the city will levy a land value-added tax on real estate developers in a stricter manner, with different tax rates for different residential projects. For example, a 2% rate will apply if the average sales price of a new residential project is lower than the average price of new homes. The comparisons will be made with average prices either inside or outside the Outer Ring Road, wherever the residential project is located. A 5% rate will be charged if the project's price is more than double the average of the larger area. A 3.5% rate will be applied to houses that are higher than average, but not as much as double. Despite widespread anticipation, the long-debated property tax was not among the new measures announced. However, the city government said it would prepare to introduce it. News stories in recent weeks had predicted a property tax, said to be set at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4% of a home's market value, is coming. (Shanghai Daily).

  2. Shanghai retailers have had reason to be in a festive mood over the week-long National Day holiday. Their sales rose faster than at any similar time since 2003, thanks to the throngs attracted by the World Expo and a variety of other crowd-building events. More than 5,000 outlets of the city's 470 major retailers saw sales rise 24% year on year to RMB7bn since 1 October, the Shanghai Commission of Commerce said. (Shanghai Daily).

  Hong Kong

  1. The potential for homes in next year's land application list should be increased to between 13,000 and 14,000 from the current 9,000 so that, based on a sale rate of about 50 percent, supply will be 6,500 to 7,000 homes. As of last month, the current list can provide around 3,750 units - 2,940 from sites triggered for sale and 810 units from auctions initiated by the government. (The Standard)




  1. 1陕西建工集团18.43亿底价竞得西咸新区秦汉新城地块 含原恒大童世界项目用地
  2. 2苏州相城区两宗地揽金16.1亿元 龙湖联合体12.44亿摘得一宗
  3. 3嘉善嘉瑞置业2.39亿夺嘉兴低密度住宅地 楼面价1.4万元/平方米
  4. 4厦门40.8亿成功出让两宗涉宅地 象屿地产、利百控股各落一子
  5. 5广州新塘镇溢价75.38%成交一宗商业用地 总价6980万元
  6. 6宝能城旁,新增超23万平住宅!同富裕、塘朗工业区旧改进展曝光
  7. 7房掌柜播报:6.6一手住宅成交97套,成交面积10091.96平方米
  8. 8楼市又现大招 !一地新房首付比例7.5%!
  9. 9石家庄推以旧换新政策 购房补贴达1万元
  10. 10阅鉴 国企力著 | 澜湖时代城市展厅暨美学样板圆满开放!


  1. 1深圳6月房价地图 9成片区普降
  2. 2中信深圳湾户型、效果图曝光!最小户型约126平米?
  3. 3海涛花园未签约房屋要被征收了!盐田区政府发布征收决定预告
  4. 4梅林关将大变 打造中轴新活力中心!涉3.78km+4地铁,效果图来了
  5. 5宝能城旁,新增超23万平住宅!同富裕、塘朗工业区旧改进展曝光
  6. 65月深圳房价地图!新房均价约6.2万/㎡,24个板块上涨
  7. 76月深圳有小区房价上涨近3成?
  8. 8深圳发文建“好房”!8月起保障房等实施全屋智能,这些项目试点
  9. 9深圳官宣不降存量房贷 执行原利率下限政策
  10. 10新政一周后,福田一片区挂盘量上涨20%

