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来源:戴德梁行  整理 深圳房掌柜  2010-06-10 10:31:55


 1. 在东涌粉岭卖地成绩欠佳、南昌站项目流标之后,政府昨天8年来首次主动拍卖地皮,经过一小时半激烈角逐,新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai Properties) 力拒包括长实在内的一众发展商,以109亿元投得曾经21次勾地失败的何文田前山谷道村地皮。逾百亿的成交价不单较政府底价高出近五成,更刷新九龙楼面地价最高纪录成为「九龙高价地」,反映地产商对偏远平地持审慎态度,但对市区贵地「争崩头」也在所不惜。前山谷道村地皮以109亿元成交,是全港历来卖地金额第二高,仅次于信置财团97年以118.2亿元夺小西湾高价地(现蓝湾半岛);楼面地价每呎12,539元,是全港历来第二高的拍卖呎价,较华懋于97年以每方呎16,256元投得的浅水湾高价地(现时「The Lily」)为低。若只计九龙卖地成绩,地皮是名副其实的九龙高价地。按楼面地价计,假设建筑费每方呎3000元,计入其他成本及扣去「发水」等因素,估计每方呎发展总成本约为1.4万元,若未来以每方呎1.7万元发售,可录得逾两成利润,相比目前同区二手楼价上限每呎约1.5万元,反映该地皮的「面粉价」,已较「面包价」为高。 (明报)

 2. 禹铭沽出旺角银城广场二及三楼,作价二亿零八百万元,折合呎价约一万四千八百五十七元,物业于五年间升值约三成。市场消息指,上述旺角银城广场二及三楼两层商场,涉及总面积约一万四千方呎,成交价二亿零八百万元,呎价约一万四千八百五十七元。据了解,原业主禹铭于○五年向金龙集团购入上址,当时作价一亿六千万元,持货至今五年,现时将物业转售,帐面获利四千八百万元,物业期内升值约三成。 (星岛日报)

 3. 市场消息指,旺角花园街七十四及七十六号全幢,物业楼高五层,以三亿五千万元获买家洽购至尾声;另外,油麻地弥敦道四百八十三、四百八十五及四百八十五A号全幢,亦以约二亿四千五百万元,获买家洽购至尾声。 (星岛日报)

 Mainland China

 1. The supply of existing homes jumped about 10% in Shanghai over the past 10 days as more home owners decided to take profit amid market uncertainties. At 6 pm yesterday, the local stock of existing houses available for sale stood at 125,507 units, according to the city's official housing website, www.fangdi.com. That compared to 119,630 units registered on 4 June and 114,495 units on 28 May. Across the city, Baoshan and Putuo districts saw the largest stock rise of 23% in the period. They were followed by Jiading, Zhabei and Hongkou districts, which rose between 15% and 20%. Chongming and Jinshan posted drops in existing home supply. (Shanghai Daily).

 2. Suning Appliance Co – will bring to China the musical instrument retailing brand of Japan's Laox it acquired a year ago as it starts to diversify its business and capitalise on China's vast consumer market. (Shanghai Daily).

 3. China Vanke Co, the nation's largest publicly listed real estate developer, reported yesterday that it sold fewer homes by volume and value in May as market sentiment remained sluggish across the country after the central government curbed speculation in the overheated market. Sales fell 20 percent annually to 5.11 billion yuan (US$748 million) last month after 470,000 square meters of new houses were sold nationwide, a drop of 32.6 percent from the same period a year earlier, Vanke said in a statement to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange yesterday. Between January and May, Vanke sold a combined 2.35 million square meters of new houses with sales totaling 28 billion yuan, according to the statement. On a monthly basis, sales in May dropped 26 percent by volume and 34 percent by value.(Shanghai Daily).

 Hong Kong

 1. Sun Hung Kai Properties yesterday paid the second-highest price ever for a development site, helping to lift confidence in the recently depressed luxury residential market. SHKP, the largest developer in terms of asset value, bought the site in Ho Man Tin for HK$10.9 billion, or HK$12,540 per square foot - exceeding the HK$106 billion maximum market-watchers had expected and beating by at least 47 per cent the government's reserve price. The most expensive site sold was a plot in Siu Sai Wan which went to Sino Land for HK$11.82 billion in 1997 and on which it built Island Resort. (SCMP).




  1. 1618满减算到头晕?这里直减百万!
  2. 2央行公布6月最新LPR!深圳房贷利率最低3.5%
  3. 3中交地产调整募集资金用途 三大募投项目投入金额减少
  4. 4苏州调整公积金贷款认定标准 仅有1套房且已挂牌出售的享首套房政策
  5. 5金地峰境誉府|从光明“品质王”到“销冠王”的五大准则
  6. 6房掌柜播报:6.18一手住宅成交46套,成交面积4481.65平方米
  7. 7房掌柜播报:6.19一手住宅成交80套,成交面积8014.9平方米
  8. 8300万买核心区?速看6月深圳在售新盘总价地图
  9. 9拟拆除约14万平,坂田扬马片旧改拆除范围公示,初步约5万平
  10. 10正式取证!单价4字头,买宝中人才房,6月22日示范区开放


  1. 1最低5字头上车福田刚需房
  2. 2深物业A:参股公司旗下深圳盐田区房屋资产被征收 获5.12亿元补偿
  3. 3央行公布6月最新LPR!深圳房贷利率最低3.5%
  4. 4侨城东路北延通道用地批复,面积超55公顷!龙华到南山速度将提升
  5. 5300万买核心区?速看6月深圳在售新盘总价地图
  6. 6集体下跌,6月罗湖房价最高跌幅19%
  7. 7拟拆除约14万平,坂田扬马片旧改拆除范围公示,初步约5万平
  8. 8深圳上周二手房成交量1309套 环比增长9.3%
  9. 95月深圳各区成交TOP10出炉
  10. 10深圳东两大交通枢纽勘察设计招标!汇聚多条地铁、高铁及城际

