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来源:戴德梁行  整理 深圳房掌柜  2010-11-25 05:15:03

  Mainland China

  1. The gross domestic product of creative industry in Shanghai hit RMB114.8bn last year, accounting for 7.7% of the city's total GDP. (Shanghai Daily).

  2. Dolhem Design – said it has opened a Shanghai office in an art zone on Huaihai Road, the 2nd office after its headquarters in Stockholm. (Shanghai Daily).

  3. Suning Appliance Co – will open its 1st Elite store in Shanghai's Changning district which is set to achieve an estimated annual sales of RMB100m. The store covers 2,000 sq m and sells more than 15,000 kinds of products. An additional 20 to 25 Suning Elite stores will be launched in Shanghai in the next 2 years to tap growing wealthy consumers. (Shanghai Daily).

  Hong Kong

  1. The government on Friday announced it would levy an additional stamp duty on resale properties held for less than two years, with rates varying from 5 to 15 per cent of property values, depending on the holding period. The measures have had an immediate impact on demand, with transactions of secondary-market homes in 10 major housing estates falling nearly 80 per cent to just 14 completed deals at the weekend. In some popular estates, such as Taikoo Shing, Kornhill and South Horizons, there were no deals done at all. (South China Morning Post)

  2. Confirmor sales of second-hand flats rose 11.9 per cent to 1,944 from the beginning of the year to November 19, compared with 1,737 for the whole of 2009. The value of confirmor sales - resales before transactions are completed - amounted to HK$6.08 billion in the secondary market, against HK$6.61 billion in 2009. The 1,944 deals, accounting for just two per cent of total second-hand home sales during the same period, comprised a small figure compared with the 9,275 confirmor sales for 1997, the housing market's peak. (South China Morning Post)

  3. New projects slated for release at the end of the year have run into an obstacle - the latest government measures to curb speculation and price growth in the property market. Cheung Kong (Holdings)' 1,368-flat new project, Festival City II in Tai Wai, sold only nine units on Saturday and Sunday. This compares with more than 200 sales on the day of the project's launch on Friday. The sharp decline in demand has prompted Cheung Kong to lift its offer of a second mortgage to 20 per cent of the purchase price from its previous level of 10 per cent. (South China Morning Post)




  1. 1长沙20.9亿出让三宅地 中建信和、四川邦泰、长沙翼腾各落一子
  2. 2湖北志航房地产0.93亿拍得襄阳樊城区一地块
  3. 3天地源10.82亿元夺西安高新区住宅地 楼面价8368元/平
  4. 4嵊州山乘置业以6.34亿元竞得绍兴嵊州三江街道2宗商住地
  5. 5中建国际&鹿城大承城建以底价5400万元竞得温州藤泽1宗商住地
  6. 6深圳笋盘小区成交价,已低于指导价4成!
  7. 7世茂股份收到独立董事督促整改意见函 即将退市
  8. 8零售商业人的运营思路,已经next level了!第19届中国商业地产节圆满举行!
  9. 95月15日-16日,零售商业人的年度盛会,中国商业地产节参会攻略!
  10. 10房掌柜播报:5.14一手住宅成交55套,成交面积6152.09平方米


  1. 1世茂停牌、退市,逾120亿元债务未能按期支付!
  2. 2确定,深圳14号线西延至香蜜湖!详规启动招标,2种线路方案
  3. 3深圳房价3年下跌四成,单价缩水近7万/㎡
  4. 4龙华、宝安5宗宅地调整规划,机场东新添一教育用地!
  5. 5深圳公积金中心宣布推出二手房跨行“带押过户”资金免费监管服务
  6. 6深圳笋盘小区成交价,已低于指导价4成!
  7. 7深圳真实房价多少?低于参考价成交房源占比3年翻10倍
  8. 8宝安又一旧改被踢出更新,大田洋工业区3-4队片区更新失效
  9. 9深圳价值千万的顶级学区,如今被400万买走?
  10. 10深圳鼓励民间资本参与保障房、城中村改建!20条举措推动民间投资

