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来源:戴德梁行  整理 深圳房掌柜  2010-01-30 09:17:26


1. 戴德梁行指,去年深圳樓市回暖,成交及價格的增長遠超出年初市場的預期,在一系列政策優惠的推動下,成交量及房價均超○七年,後者更創出歷史新高。預期深圳樓市今年上半年將延續○九年末的態勢,成交量在年初隨?政策的明朗將略有釋放,但開發商在資金充裕的情況下缺乏降價動力,房價目前已達高位,上漲空間也較小,因而在短期內將維持現有水準。(星島日報)

2. 國土資源部昨召開今年首次全國會議,部長徐紹史向 5萬名與會者明示今年 7項工作重點,其中要高度關注中小城市和小城鎮樓價,理由為包括企業在內的資金,已開始流向二、三線城市,甚至村鎮,令該等城市樓價上升。(蘋果日報)

3. 備受社會各界關注的《國有土地上房屋徵收與補償條例(徵求意見稿)》將於29日正式向公眾公開徵求意見。徵求意見稿共五章四十一條,分別對適用範圍、徵收程式、徵收補償、關於非因公共利益的需要實施的拆遷等問題予以了明確規定。國務院法制辦會同住房城鄉建設部在多次徵求各方面意見的基礎上,經反復研究、修改,形成了徵求意見稿。(新華網)

4. 1月21日,新鴻基地產斥資逾一億港元打造的全港最高觀景台項目在環球貿易廣場舉行了隆重的新聞發佈會。據瞭解,觀景台將於2010年第四季正式開幕。項目位於香港最高建築物環球貿易廣場的100樓,讓訪客在嶄新的觀景位置,從393米的高空,全方位360度俯瞰令人目不暇接的景致,白天能盡覽維港兩岸壯闊美景,夜晚則能將大都會繁華夜景盡收眼簾。(深圳商報)

5. 成都金馬國際體育城 打造亞洲一流體育運動休閒新城。成都金馬國際體育城作為溫江八大功能片區之一,其發展目標定位是:“建設成為全市和中國西部最為重要的產業經濟功能區,建設成為中國西部以體育休閒、體育旅遊、體育服務和品牌賽事為主導的新型產業集群區域,建設成為亞洲一流的體育運動休閒新城”。項目建設週期預計8-10年,項目建成後,可增加就業崗位3-5萬個,平均每年吸納旅遊者700萬人次以上。(成都日報)

6. 深圳市土地房產交易中心日前發佈公告,將在3月2日公開掛牌出讓的三宗地塊位於南澳街道桔釣沙片區,土地用途為旅館業、服務業用地,三宗用地合共占地面積為66541.65平方米,合計建築面積為36 202平方米,其中G17301-1576宗地容積率為0.3,另兩宗地(G17301-1577、G17301- 1578)容積率為0.6。這是深圳自2001年施行土地市場公開招拍掛以來,南澳首次進行的土地出讓。(南方都市報)

7. 1月28日3時,東莞市土地交易中心現場拍賣異常热闹,經過162輪激烈競拍,萬科地產以7.9億元高價拿下位於虎門中心區金洲村的兩幅捆綁出讓的商住地塊,成交地價高達13042元/平方米,樓面地價更是達到5217元/平方米。據悉,該樓面地價較2007年拍下的虎門高价地虎門一號的樓面地價足足超出了1704元/平方米,結果大大超出業內預期。(廣州日報)

8. 番禺洛溪百億經濟項目“五湖四海國際水產交易中心”將於2月1日正式開業。據瞭解,該項目是政府重點支持打造的龍頭項目,總投資近5億元,占地面積約20萬平方米,集水產、海味、凍品、展貿館和美食城五大板塊為一體,將是全國首創“五區聯動”、最具規模的國際級交易中心。此外,該項目沿岸2公里有4個約3000噸級客貨碼頭,獨立擁有一線江景長達1000多米,停車位高達2500個。目前,該項目二、三樓美食區正在火熱招商中,全國首創的水產行業“支付寶”——五湖四海國際水產交易中心“電子交易平臺”於開業當天進行試營業。(資訊時報)

9. 2010年起,一場覆蓋全國範圍,涉及近年來出讓的所有建設項目的土地大調查開始鋪開。這場中國有史以來最徹底的建設用地清理將成為中國土地問題的一次大起底。今年1月起,中國各個地區清理工作已經全面鋪開,全部總結工作將在今年7月底之前完成。(東方早報)


1. 金管局總裁陳德霖執掌帥印後,公佈首份外滙基金成績,因恒指及道指在去年3月底低位彈升,帶挈港股及其他股票收益進賬近千億元,成為去年外滙基金投資收益錄得1067億元的重要「水源」,佔比高達91%,投資收益金額刷新外滙基金歷來第二高紀錄。但按季分析,投資收益則由第三季的719億元大幅縮窄86%至末季98億元。(蘋果日報)

2. 鋪王「波叔」鄧成波沽出灣仔駱克道全幢商廈,涉資二億五千萬元,為今年首宗全幢成交,物業樓高二十三層,面積約三萬三千零八十方呎,平均呎價七千五百五十七元,物業於兩年間升值約兩成。市場消息指,上述灣仔駱克道一二八號商廈,地盤面積約二千二百方呎,物業樓高二十三層,一至五樓面積約二千方呎,六至二十六樓面積約一千三百二十方呎,合共面積約三萬三千零八十方呎,租戶以食肆、半零售為主,市值呎租介乎二十至二十五元,現時有部分樓面空置,每月租金收入約三十多萬元,回報僅一厘四。新買家為投資者,打算將物業轉型。(星島日報)

3. 股票市場吹淡風,物業市場投資意慾受影響,工商買賣成交減少。美聯工商預期,由於投資氣氛趨觀望,本月的買賣會相應遞減,加上農曆新年前後屬傳統買賣淡季,將會直接影響首季工商買賣交投;長遠而言,由於工商物業屬細價盤,風險相對較低,加上活化概念持續帶動,預料今年整體工廈買賣交投將會在調整後趨上揚,當中最看好觀塘及葵荃區的買賣表現。(文匯報)

4. 近日部分投資者趁高位放售手上豪宅。市場消息指,恒地(0012)主席李兆基及有關人士持有的九龍塘喇沙利道25 號雋寧閣,近期低調放售,意向價近3 億元,據悉近日獲內地客出價約2.5 億元洽購,並已屆最後階段。該地盤面積約13467 方呎,以地積比率1.8 倍計算,預計可重建樓面約24241方呎,若最終以2.5 億元售出,每方呎樓面地價約1.03 萬元。(明報)

5. 4至6號中環碼頭的「綜合發展區」用地,將於每個碼頭上加建3.23萬平方呎樓面,即合共加建9.69萬平方呎,以作餐廳、

6. 市場消息指,柯士甸站高价地今截收意向前,九龍站凱旋門摩天閣中層A 室,面積2517 方呎,剛以約6600 萬元售出,呎價26223 元,為過去2 個月以來九龍站最大宗二手成交個案。(明報)

Mainland China

1.     Vice-Premier Li Keqiang told the World Economic Forum in Davos yesterday that Beijing will continue its "moderately loose monetary policy and active fiscal policy" - a phrase that was left out of a recent speech by Premier Wen Jiabao, causing jitters in the regional markets. However, Li added that Beijing will make its economic policies "more targeted and flexible", a statement analysts interpreted as a fine-tuning of China's year-old pro-growth policy after better-than-expected economic data suggested a solid recovery of the world's third-largest economy. (SCMP)

2.     More tightening measures including a new property tax, commandeering idle land sites, and tougher rules on the listing of developers are likely in first- tier cities, mainland media reported. The Shanghai government recently warned it may take over land idle for more than two years, and owners of sites undeveloped for between one to two years may have to pay a fee equivalent to 20 percent of the land price. Beijing will impose a property tax of between 0.5% and 1% by the end of 2011, media reported yesterday. A percentage of the valuation after discount would be charged to the owner of the premises as property tax. (The Standard)

3.     China plans to adjust some of its stimulus policies this year and targets a higher growth in retail sales as part of efforts to sustain a healthy economic recovery, a vice commerce minister said yesterday. The minister said the Government expects retail sales to jump 16% this year, compared with a 15.5% expansion in 2009. (Shanghai Daily).

4.     Mounting inflationary pressures have already resulted in prompt government actions. The People's Bank of China early this month raised banks' reserve requirement by 50 basis points, the first such hike since Dec 2008. The Central Bank also guided bill yields higher, asked smaller lenders to set aside more reserves and offered window guidance to selected banks to cool their loan growth. "China's exit strategy will initially focus on quantitative measures such as loan quota and reserve requirement to stabilise both asset and consumer goods prices," said Ting Lu, an economist with Bank of America-Merrill Lynch. "They will be followed by administrative measures to cancel some projects to both cool the economy and to reduce excess capacities," Lu said. Most observers believed risks of property bubbles and consumer price inflation may fade in mid-2010, when China will move to allow the yuan to rise and raise interest rates. (Shanghai Daily).

5.     Calling home prices in Shanghai already "too high," Mayor Han Zheng said yesterday the city will continue to increase the supply of affordable housing and be tough on property speculation. The Government plans to start construction this year on 12 million sq m worth of affordable homes, or 60% of the city's yearly target for new residential development. One third of that, 4 million sq m, will be budget homes. In Shanghai, the affordable housing program mainly covers budget homes, low-rent apartments, and houses built for relocated residents under urban redevelopment plans. The city plans on building 300,000 budget apartments and putting 300,000 low-rent apartments in use this year, according to Han. "We have to make it clear that housing development in Shanghai should be primarily for end users and that more ordinary homes should be built,'' Han said, referring to residents rather than investors and speculators, and houses other than high-end homes. In addition, the city will closely monitor the housing market and, if necessary, take measures to cool the overheated market, Han said. He noted that price increases in the real estate industry have outpaced increases in the GDP. He said they are beyond citizens' capacity to endure. "The high housing prices not only leave negative impact on the city's sustainable development but also do harm in attracting talents," Han said. In a recent survey of young people, he noted, some 90% of respondents said the high cost of housing caused personal stress. Of those who have bought property, 68% were afraid of losing jobs and rising interest payments. (Shanghai Daily).

Hong Kong

1.     The global stock markets rally helped the Exchange Fund – which invests money for the government and helps to defend the Hong Kong dollar – return to profit, posting investment income of HK$106.7 billion last year. The result meant that the fund has recovered all of its HK$75 billion losses in 2008 when financial turmoil sent markets tumbling. Earnings in 2009 were the second highest on record, behind 2007 when it earned HK$142.2 billion. (SCMP)

2.     Hang Lung Properties said yesterday it would need HK$10 billion over the next three years to develop shopping malls on the mainland, but had no funding pressure as it was debt-free with strong revenues and net cash of HK$2.2 billion. (SCMP)




  1. 1深圳节后二手房录得量、在售量快速增长中
  2. 2深圳市价350亿壕村开工,建成后有望15万/㎡?
  3. 32025年首月深圳房价地图!67个板块网签价公布
  4. 4金科股份:公司重大仲裁案终止,涉案金额约32.03亿元
  5. 5楼市企稳回升有基础 假期“淡季不淡”节后仍有支撑
  6. 6龙光境外债务重组取得成功 76.4%同意债权人加入整体CSA
  7. 7今年多地土拍高溢价开局:土地市场点状回暖,市场信心不断增强
  8. 8节后市场回暖 深圳楼市“小阳春”渐行渐近
  9. 92025深圳新中心扛鼎之作,深铁阅云境人才房样板房今日盛大开放!
  10. 10“网红区”哑火了!今年深圳新房“揭幕战”谁能赢?


  1. 1深圳市价350亿壕村开工,建成后有望15万/㎡?
  2. 2“网红区”哑火了!今年深圳新房“揭幕战”谁能赢?
  3. 3深圳住房公积金新政即将落地?记者求证:目前正按规范性文件程序报审
  4. 4节后市场回暖 深圳楼市“小阳春”渐行渐近
  5. 5龙华招标计划来了!8所学校将进行招标,包括第三十五高中等
  6. 6最高下跌15%,2月南山区房价变化
  7. 72025年首月深圳房价地图!67个板块网签价公布
  8. 8深圳轨道大爆发!今明年6条地铁通车,2028年五期陆续开通!
  9. 9深圳节后二手房录得量、在售量快速增长中
  10. 10小幅回升 福田房价结束9连跌

